Friday 19 June 2015

Week 71 17/06/2015 - Wet Wednesday

Photo Blog Week 71 - Wed 17 June 2015

More like VERY Wet Wednesday; one of those days that no matter how zipped up your waterproofs are you are still soaked to underwear at the end of the day. It was not helped by being quite temperate so getting very hot inside the clothes. Boots still drying out two days later.

In such miserable weather I carried only an old pocket camera which is already water damaged. The best I could manage was quickly slipping it out of a wet pocket to point in front of me so my photo set this week is basically my view as I plodded through the rain. The camera temporarily announced that it had had enough after reaching the highest point in the park, ironically, just as the rain began to abate.

To keep myself going in the adverse conditions  I decided to roughly follow a 6 mile route I had planned some time ago to take in different aspects of the Park. I did give up just before the last bit as I was passing too close to the car and was losing my determination to continue.

Thanks to the three readers who responded to my quick survey. Anyone else, it's still open here:
I'd love it if you would give me a few minutes anonymous feedback Reader Survey (9 questions)

route: Car Park; Estate Office in Lyme Hall; Timber Yard; Bridge over Stream outlet from Mill Pond; Timber Yard Cafe

 A fairly quiet car park

 The steps up to the House.
It seems that no matter how fit you are feeling, you will be breathing heavily by the top of them.

 Inner courtyard of the House

I joined Ranger Jack and Matt to clear two dams that had formed with trapped wood in the stream by the Timber Yard.

 Higher dam; the second obscured by ferns lower down

 The took a lot of clearing as the wood and plant fibres had knitted tightly. Three of us worked on them for about 45 mins

After clearing the dams it was back to the Timber Yard for a good hand and arm wash followed by an excellent Venison Chili for lunch

route: Timber Yard; Mill Pond; path behind Turtle Brew; Four Winds Wall; cross country to; The Knott Car Park

 rain spotting on the pond

 footbridge over the stream

 path branching up through the trees toward Turtle Brew

 Nice group of trees by the Equestrian field with The Knott behind


 All Weather Wallers on Four Winds

 The top half of this view would normally be across Stockport to Manchester and Winter Hill behind

 small track from Four Winds crossing to The Knott

 Alderley Edge, Manchester Airport, The Cheshire Plain and Welsh Hills beyond? Not today!

 Eerily, skylarks were flitting about and calling as I crossed over the Knott

 The Knott car park having a quiet day.

 Rain Drops on the Soft Rush near the car park

route: The Knott Car Park; West Park Drive; Deer Clough path branch point

 West Park drive looking green and wet

 side path parallel to the drive through the conifers

 The Bracken has grown to height amazingly quickly

 back onto the drive

Rhododendron blossom on the hillside above the drive - invasive but pretty
(water and dirt on lens)

 bright orange algae on trees along the drive

 Deer Clough junction.

Three paths branch off here. 
  1. The far track goes into the old quarry in the Clough after which it climbs along an awkward steep slippery valley side before heading out to Cluse Hey bottom.
  2. The track up the tree routes heads along a higher side of Deer Clough
  3. The path to left backtracks but rises gently to the bottom of Pursefield from where you can go up to Paddock Cottage or swing round an easier safer passage along the top of Deer Clough

 Path rising gently.
The flattened material to right along the young Bracken is the remains of the bluebells

 Leaving the woods below Paddock Cottage 
I think that's condensation on the lens - wasn't that misty there

 Lovely spot where a young gnarled oak looks out from a rock outcrop over Cluse Hey

route: Rock Outcrop (over Cluse Hey); Ridge to Paddock Cottage; Pursefield Wood ridge (part way); Drinkwater Meadow (Darcy's Pond)

 ridge atop Pursefield - Paddock Cottage at summit at far end but can't see through rain

 Normally one of the widest views in the Park across Cheshire from Paddock ridge

 Paddock Cottage

 Pursefield Wood

 Gate from Pursfield to Drinkwater Meadow

 Darcy's Pond
fancy a dip anyone - you wouldn't be any wetter!

route: Drinkwater Meadow (Darcy's Pond); exit at corner near Paddock; Cluse Hey top path; Knightslow Wood; Bowstones track; Bowstonegate Farm entrance

 wall path above Cluse Hey - last year's brown bracken amongst this year's fresh greens

 ladder stile into Knightslow Wood

 water pouring off sides into stream

 peering out to the Moor through the trees

 even in this light the vivid green of young beech leaves shine out

 mist among the trees inside the wood

 exit to the Moor

 looking down Knightslow Wood track toward Lime Avenue

 mist sitting above as I head up Bowstones track

 Highland Cattle chilling on the High Land


 more mist

 final part of the ascent nearing Bowstonegate Farm

 Park Entrance near Bow Stones

route: Bowstonegate Farm entrance; Moor top path; High View Point

 aerials at the farm peeing through the mist and rain

 "View Point" plinth at highest point in the Park

It was about now that the camera was complaining. I had tried to wipe the lens so many times I no longer had anything dry to do so and there seemed no point in continuing to collect damp pictures.

route: High View Point; steep descent by quarry; Lantern Wood (middle path); Cater's Slack; far stile to East Lodge track; around copse then via Coalpit Wood dip to; The Cage; drop to Hawthorn Drive;  (at this point in my plan was to drop to Crow Wood and circle it before returning to Timber Yard but I abandoned this section. ) return via Hawthorn Drive (END)

 As I leave the Moor and enter Lantern Wood, the weather is breaking over Manchester in the distance

  Car Park?

Feedback Reminder:

I'd love it if you would give me a few minutes anonymous feedback Reader Survey (9 questions)

Today's track and profile

Total: 7.4 miles (11.85 km)  4 hr 30 min

This Time Last Year

 Have a look at This Time Last Year 

Week 26 18/06/14 - Kid's Play and High Moors

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