Wednesday 12 February 2014

Week 13 12/02/14 - Wind and Early Closing

Photo Blog Week 13 - Wed 12 Feb 2014

Short day today, Pre-Season briefing with 50 other varied volunteers up in the Long gallery in the hall so only started patrol after 11:30 and Park was closed early at 3:00pm due to forecast wind speeds being dangerous. Seriously windy and for the most part also very wet.

route: quick circle of Crow Wood but tree movement worrying; accros Dam and lower Cage Hill then Timber Yard for lunch.

No photos taken in heavy rain and wind

route: Drinkwater Meadow to Paddock Cottage


Sorry, doesn't seem to play video on iPad
Wind in the trees near Paddock Cottage

route: Edge of Pursefield Wood, staying Windward side of trees for safety; drop to gate at The Knott car park; across to Four Winds

New section of wall at Four Winds looking good
Winter Hill the far side of Manchester
Sorry, doesn't seem to play video on iPad
Camera inside my coat hood. The spitting noise is rain hitting the side of my hood. The rain can be seen blowing across the grass when I pan to the left.

Unfortunate condensation dot on lens. My coat is soaking and camera has been in pocket.

Low pressure results in long distance views between rain. It is unusual to see Fiddlers Ferry power station near Widnes so clearly.
Naked eye on this, I am sure I could see curving lines of white which I think could only be the edge of the sea.. but I may be wrong.

route: to gate into Pursefield Wood; cross Drinkwater Meadow parallel to road back to main Car Park

Normally just a trickle, today it's a sparkling tumbling stream.

Amazingly as I return to the car across Drinkwater Meadow, the sun makes an appearance and the rain stops.
The wind is strengthening and we are advising people to stay away from wooded areas.

 4.7 miles 4:15 Patrol time

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